Buying and selling of stocks? To be successful, this requires timing the stock market.

Fixing and flipping a property? To be successful, this requires timing the real estate market.

I’ve tried both. They required a lot of my time and required quite a bit of luck to make a return that would beat the S&P 500.

Most people don’t want another job. Buying and selling of stocks to make a capital gain is incredibly unpredictable. Don’t get me wrong. It can be done. I have a couple friends in the equities business, and they are successful. But they are 100% committed, and it is their career – certainly not a side hustle or something you can do by listening to Jim Cramer’s advice.

Most people don’t want another job. Fixing and flipping a residential property was no fun for me when the market wasn’t ready to allow for a high-priced sale of a high-end residence. Holding that property for many months while paying the bank loan was incredibly stressful. Managing a general contractor and his subcontractors is a full-time job if you want to do it right. Most people have W2 jobs and attempting to do something like this while working full time is not for the faint of heart. There is only so much time in the day. Rather than taking the lead and being the “quarterback” in a venture, why not leverage the skills of others and surround yourself with a great team? This is a great way to mitigate investment risk.

Most people don’t want another job. They want to be able to invest in assets that can be easily understood. Think of hard assets and not paper assets. They want to be able to invest in assets that don’t require a ton of their time to manage. After all, time is certainly a currency that is often overlooked by most.  Time is money.  Right?  From what I’ve observed, the high performers – the highly successful folks in business – value their time more than money.  Time is more than money to them. Time management is a critical success factor in business.  Business coaches will tell you to spend your time only on the highest and best use activities.  Just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you should do it.

Build a team or invest in a team to handle all tasks that are not the highest and best use of your time. That is why Green Bison likes multifamily investments where you are investing in experienced teams. These teams have a proven track record in large and economically diverse metro areas. In August 2019, Green Bison invested in a 380-unit, Class B apartment community in a fantastic submarket in Dallas, Texas (Plano).  This asset will be managed by a highly experienced group who has a dominant presence in Dallas.  Before this acquisition, they owned over 3,400 units in Dallas.  They’ve also sold several assets in Dallas.  They know the market as well as any of the other multifamily owners, and their Dallas-based property management group manages their entire Texas portfolio.  By leveraging the skills and networks of others, Green Bison will be getting a solid return on investment while significantly mitigating their investment risk…and without making another job for the Green Bison principals!